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We Are The Composite Bloom Of A Border-less World From the pen of Writer-Editor..........     December 07, 201...

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Diversity at crossroad......

Walking Encoded!

Universe resonates with varied sounds and sights. These sounds are not coded like any other known languages.

Can people connect, resonate, and develop understanding beyond any known languages?

Triumphed I returned from an errand of successful communication. As natural to human nature, I wished to share my experience, sooner the better. In an elated, light hearten mood, 
I exclaimed, “Oh! I feel as if, an expert in sign languages”. 

Overhearing me, one of the fellow travelers, responded in a sharp tone, 

"Japanese is the ninth, most internationally spoken languages”. Then continued, “Download an App to translate”. 
Soon a tussle over supremacy of languages was about to brew, if a chance was given.

In an age of several apps on handy, the suggestion was quite valuable. Contrarily, all do not feel comfortable to use many apps, in spite of knowing the fact, their advantages. Voicing my opinion seemed inappropriate at that time. For showing a difference of opinion in public often reflected ill feelings to one another.

Collage showing world of Apps unnecessary to Uphold Diversity

Japan is a nation, where people take pride to communicate in their mother tongue. When their communications fail, especially to the foreigners; they express through gestures.

My first two days had been a battle of Waterloo! Defeat after defeat, on the streets of Tokyo, while communicating at the shops, railway ticket counter, on a train, giving an order for dinner.

To everyone’s relief, the Japanese people never give up. Being a much aware nation, people here understand language difficulties, that tourists like me face. Men and women relentlessly continue their efforts, while dealing with the visiting tourists till they see results.

My friend, Isha speaks Spanish, and I admire her. Learning a language is not easy. Some have knack and ear, so pick up quickly. I am not one of them. Yet then, that does not deter me from admiring any languages, which I don’t know.

I remembered the day, years before, at a souvenir shop, Louvre museum, Paris. The lady at the counter spoke to me in crisp French which I didn’t understand. Looking at my baffled face, she smartly switched over, to hand gestures, and, it was not difficult for me, to pick up the cues; what she was trying to say. Once the deal was met we parted with smiles and twinkles in our eyes. 
Two people speaking two different languages from two different poles, creating an understanding, winning over their language barriers.

Dilemma in choosing Languages

                           Which  One  Will  You  Choose?

These instances make me to ponder over a debate, relevant to current age. What would be the language or languages of the world when the concept of merging the borders is being realized? Would the tendency to conform continue? Or the diversity in languages would be preserved adopting tolerance, thus valuing it, for co-existence?

In actualizing the concept of ‘Global Village’, addressing as ‘I and You’, ‘Mine and Yours’ probably would require giving way to ‘We and Ours’. Then provincialism, nationalism, internationalism which divide people will turn out archaic strategies of a bygone era. Moreover neither any culture, nor any language would be considered superior, or status quo. 

This highest order of ‘One World’ would lie in encompassing all diversities, varied melodies, languages, cultures, into one complete whole as ‘The World People’, bringing  greater joy, and, abundant lives.

When the world is in apathy,.........

Disconnected! Don't we often feel disconnected even though surrounded by people? But then, how to feel we really belong to this world!

The Great Buddha Of Kamakura, Japan
An Apostle of Serenity and Peace


Today the world is in acute unrest. All societies seem in a state of flux. Be it this country or that country. Adding to that is super fast life midst jargon of technologies, which has created confusion, visible everywhere.

Impact upon human beings is profound. As is notable in surmounting intolerance and differences in opinion. A little adjustment as required in harmonious co-existence is missing. Can we deny the fact, that people are not tussling within, struggling to find a place in the world outside, while masking their unhappiness?

Not enough that, it also appears the growth of human relationship is stumbling, as if  about to stagnate. Family break ups,religious intolerance,cross border aggression,over powering the weak, are the realities of this age.Therefore can we claim that we are progressing?

  People of the world can not possibly flourish this way. Isn't the present time asking us to open our eyes, and our minds as well, to look within and stop upheavals which we have created for ourselves? But how? Answer lies within us.


Those of us who wish to help themselves, will find going into quietness for once a day proves a blessing.For they acquire higher self awareness, better understanding about the world around and able to connect with calmness and maturity. Moreover  silence is also a nurturing realm of creative solutions, to conquer many challenges of life.

The way to human abundance.


Are we chasing an ILLUSION, leaving a REALITY?

Can we claim that we are really happy?

In our quest for happiness are we walking on a relevant road leading to our cherished destination?

Or we are adapting to an illusion, thinking that we are reaching this destination and will be happy ever after.

Probably the concept of what is Being happy’ has not yet been understood by us in its true essence. We have picked up a short route, getting convinced and consumed by consumerism of modern age.  Are we not in a fierce competition of hoarding physical assets, thereafter showcasing our possessed glitter and glamour to the world; imposing upon others to believe, happiness is easily make-able like making instant coffee. In thinking so are we not being engulfed in a black hole of virtual reality? Can we deny the truth of creating a situation, of becoming bundles of unhappy beings, tussling in chaotic realms, unable to tune with our inner and outer worlds. In consequence, we are making happiness look like a mirage, never attainable.

Chanie Gorkin, an 11th grader of Brooklyn, NY opines-

One can be happy when
the world around is good.

Psychosomatic illnesses arising from distorted image of deriving happiness has already ruined many of us. This malady has now turned endemic. Our decline is so steep that Futurists are programming the children, offering courses on happiness. Researchers are spending sleepless nights exploring possibilities to real happiness.


Swami Vivekananda, the great sage and thinker of Modern India commented once---

Help comes from within us,
We answer the prayers ourselves.

His words are so relevant which make us to reflect. We have become intellectual giants but emotional dwarfs. For we are totally alien to the world, our emotions, that reside within us. To nurture this potential, in order to achieve a state of happiness; requires thoughtful and organized efforts. First, we actually wish to be happy, this need is to be acknowledged. Second, our relevant endeavour to nurture this need. Third, we need to practise and attain a state of happiness.

Surrendering the efforts half way, with misleading thoughts; that the effort is dropped in an ocean of chaos, will prove self-sabotaging. Actions generated from this state of equilibrium and mind will then permeate outside, creating a world much vibrant and an abode for human beings. The choice of making a world of this vision rests upon our attitude.

Elevating our inner world is the way to happiness and abundant life.


A Voice

Leaves shed as I walk
    over dead, once alive.
 Whistles wind, rustle leaves,buzz bees,
    sensation waves pass by.
A rill curves and creaks,
A distant cuckoo sings in melancholy.
I halt, feet on a meadow
  Lids droop.....
     breath fills in
     spills life 
  in Every Atom of Mine!


Nature heals unlike any others.Its care is so great that words fall short to express what it is like.
One can only feel, soaked in its blessings, and to walk over wars of life!

  Nature is Divine.
Nature blesses Abundance, Acknowledge this Abundant divinity midst nature
Be in Peace

Words Denied Until Dusk.....!

His Design....

Why in adversity only we realize Divine Grace is 

with us?

Why don’t we feel His  presence in every moment and every other day?

Whatever far a destination appears, whatsoever adversities surround us, how much difficult time seems endless, a reward always awaits us!
“Thank you for pushing me here!”
I expressed hundred times that night. Eight thirty, at night, I stood on a height of three hundred and fifty meter. Awestruck child-like I was mesmerized with the beauty in front of me. I became conscious about an unknown world, which was opening up, expanding. I caught a sight of limitless stars, soul like dancing across the expansive dark universe. Those were approaching, fusing and creating an aura of Infinite Existence. It appeared as though the world of ignorance was getting illuminated.
The wound that was gnawing, tormenting me all through the day was melting. In its place a serene silence fell upon me. I felt it emerging slowly, and then encompassing me. I acknowledged a vivid sense of being with some higher Consciousness. Holding me,which began healing me gradually while sweeping away all negativity, that down poured over me and burdened my soul that day. Deep down inside me a heart warming tranquil bliss was purifying me, transcending within. My eyes turned moistened, I felt truly blessed unlike any other time before.

Many believe, “Everything happens for a reason”, and so do I. Lest I had imagined at the end of the day, with every bone aching, my heart giving away, every step faltering, treading exhaustively towards  the Sky Tree, Tokyo, Japan would be so blissfully rewarding. I wouldn't have witnessed the serene beauty of the night sky nor experienced that heavenly bliss otherwise. Contrarily it would have been another sight-seeing about great height, panoramic view, photo-shoot and shopping at the Solamachi arcade
In a hard way I learned,” Nothing comes so easily in life”. Perhaps it was His design to impart a ‘Priceless Lesson’ in accomplishing any mission. ‘He ‘only weaved my sorrow into  joy.

It’s okay to feel low when ways do not move in our direction. ‘The One’ waits for us at the end of a tunnel which we toil through. Our unwavering efforts do not go in vain.He’ notices every distressed one, every abandoned soul, when we keep faith on Him, He shows the way, His love transforms our distressed journey into joyful errand, turning our lives abundant, that we haven’t ever hoped for.


The World Within Knew.....

The conscience in commune with….

Are we aware about the world that exists within us? 

Do we ever talk to that Consciousness? 

Acknowledge that gift, guiding us. Do we respond to any of its call? 

Probably Not! 

Are we missing out the blessing bestowed upon us,being ignorant about its presence? 

Serenity of Switzerland is ethereally appealing. Its profound impact, attuned to beauty, ushers in joy, pours in hope. While eyes enjoy feasts, vocal cord begins to hum, feet step up to rhythm, hand strikes a brush and eyes hold onto a lens.

Roaming through scenic places, capturing in vivid memories, we reached Bern, the capital of Switzerland. A place for electric tram cars, stone paved roads, horse driven wagon, home of world famed Albert Einstein.

I was busy with photo shooting the Tower Clock. Eyes on the lens, looking for the best shot, engrossed in the shoot. A sudden high pitched commotion “Madam, madam,” waved through the air. Without checking whether it was meant to me or someone else, I started running towards the pavement on my left. As soon as I reached the pavement, crossing a couple of yards, before I could grasp what had happened, a tram car whisked passed me. Someone called out. ”God saved you!”

At that moment only, realization dawned upon me that, I was standing unmindful right on the tram track, photo shooting.  I came to my senses, seeing many dumbstruck, wide eyed strangers gaping at me, whereas some others covered their faces with their hands, as if to save themselves witnessing a fatal accident.

It appeared strange to me, how did I take the safe side of the road spontaneously, leaving all others. There was no response to it. Had I taken any other options, I would have become a history. Perhaps my heart came to know and listened to that inner voice guiding it silently. My conscience once again refused to fail me.

The soul in commune with that Infinite Consciousness took charge of me, held my hand and saved me.                    


Threshold To Human World!

People make' People's World'. What our hearts see, when our eyes fail, guided by intuition, embracing all the people unconditionally. Creating a niche to lap feelings and emotions, essential traits of human nature and foundation of our survival. Deep down, this inner voice of ours guide, empathize, illuminate our souls. Building a threshold to 'Human World'. 

A journey to pure joy, fulfilling peace, abundant lives.