Disconnected! Don't we often feel disconnected even though surrounded by people? But then, how to feel we really belong to this world!
The Great Buddha Of Kamakura, Japan
An Apostle of Serenity and Peace
Today the world is in acute unrest. All societies seem in a state of flux. Be it this country or that country. Adding to that is super fast life midst jargon of technologies, which has created confusion, visible everywhere.
Impact upon human beings is profound. As is notable in surmounting intolerance and differences in opinion. A little adjustment as required in harmonious co-existence is missing. Can we deny the fact, that people are not tussling within, struggling to find a place in the world outside, while masking their unhappiness?
Not enough that, it also appears the growth of human relationship is stumbling, as if about to stagnate. Family break ups,religious intolerance,cross border aggression,over powering the weak, are the realities of this age.Therefore can we claim that we are progressing?
People of the world can not possibly flourish this way. Isn't the present time asking us to open our eyes, and our minds as well, to look within and stop upheavals which we have created for ourselves? But how? Answer lies within us.
Those of us who wish to help themselves, will find going into quietness for once a day proves a blessing.For they acquire higher self awareness, better understanding about the world around and able to connect with calmness and maturity. Moreover silence is also a nurturing realm of creative solutions, to conquer many challenges of life.
The way to human abundance.
Apathy is no more troublesome, when one knows how to be in the 'Abode of Peace!'