The conscience in commune with….
Are we aware about the world that exists within us?
Are we aware about the world that exists within us?
Do we ever talk to that Consciousness?
Acknowledge that gift, guiding us. Do we respond to any of its call?
Probably Not!
Are we missing out the blessing bestowed upon us,being ignorant about its presence?
of Switzerland is ethereally appealing. Its profound impact, attuned to beauty,
ushers in joy, pours in hope. While eyes enjoy feasts, vocal cord begins to
hum, feet step up to rhythm, hand strikes a brush and eyes hold onto a lens.
through scenic places, capturing in vivid memories, we reached Bern, the
capital of Switzerland. A place for electric tram cars, stone paved roads,
horse driven wagon, home of world famed Albert Einstein.
I was busy with photo shooting the Tower Clock. Eyes on the lens, looking for the best shot, engrossed in the shoot. A sudden high pitched commotion “Madam, madam,” waved through the air. Without checking whether it was meant to me or someone else, I started running towards the pavement on my left. As soon as I reached the pavement, crossing a couple of yards, before I could grasp what had happened, a tram car whisked passed me. Someone called out. ”God saved you!”
At that
moment only, realization dawned upon me that, I was standing unmindful right
on the tram track, photo shooting. I
came to my senses, seeing many dumbstruck, wide eyed strangers gaping at me,
whereas some others covered their faces with their hands, as if to save
themselves witnessing a fatal accident.
It appeared strange to me, how did I take the safe side of the road spontaneously, leaving all others. There was no response to it. Had I taken any other options, I would have become a history. Perhaps my heart came to know and listened to that inner voice guiding it silently. My conscience once again refused to fail me.
The soul in commune with that Infinite Consciousness took charge of me, held my hand and saved me.